Annie Marhefka

Principal Consultant, Founder

Annie is a people-focused operator who thrives on supporting businesses working at an accelerated pace, with rapid growth, or preparing for a significant transformation. In addition to building and leading HR teams for over a decade, she has built and developed highly successful communications, change management and organizational effectiveness functions within organizations, and is passionate about the core focus of culture driving workplace change and projects.

Annie started her HR career in the manufacturing industry, but has spent most of her time in the education/technology sector, developing and heading up the HR function at Connections Academy (later Connections Education and Pearson Online Learning) for over a decade. She also served as COO of the Pearson Online Schools business for several years, and as a member of the organization’s executive team.

Since 2019, Annie has focused on developing her career as a writer, having works of creative nonfiction and poetry published in magazines and literary journals such as Hobart, Literary Mama, Lunch Ticket, Pithead Chapel, and more. She is also a mother to two children and lives in the Baltimore area with her husband John, and runs Yellow Arrow Publishing, a non-profit focused on empowering women writers.

Her passion for consulting stems from a desire to support start-up organizations with strategic planning, creative problem solving, and development.

HR Experts

As needed, the Vivi Group works with a number of talented, creative leaders spanning multiple industries and a broad scope of HR specialties. Professionals are selected for each project based on the scope and expertise areas needed.

Photography: @mollyemillerphotography